Geographical distribution of Somniosus rostratus based on the previous records and presently reported study within the Mediterranean Basin. The red star shows occurrence records for this study; the green circle represents occurrence records with geographic coordinates, from the literature; the pink represents occurrence records without geographic coordinates; and the black triangles are GBIF occurrence records (GIBF 2024). The numbers refer to the “Map ID” in the Table 1 to identify the reference of the record.

  Part of: Insacco G, Zava B, Spadola F, Scannella D, Deidun A, Cigala-Fulgosi F, Valastro M, Di Natale A, Piccinetti C, Corsini-Foka M (2024) Additional records of the little sleeper shark, Somniosus rostratus (Elasmobranchii: Squaliformes: Somniosidae), in Mediterranean Sea. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 54: 139-150.