Short Communication |
Corresponding author: Zuogang Peng ( ) Academic editor: Rodolfo Reyes
© 2022 Bakhtiyor Sheraliev, Yorkinoy Kayumova, Sirojiddin Allayarov, Akbarjon Rozimov, Dildorakhon Komilova, Dilafruz Urmonova, Zuogang Peng.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Sheraliev B, Kayumova Y, Allayarov S, Rozimov A, Komilova D, Urmonova D, Peng Z (2022) Length–weight relations of 14 endemic and indigenous freshwater fish species (Actinopterygii) from the Aral Sea basin, Uzbekistan. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 52(4): 239-243.
Length–weight relations (LWR) were estimated for 14 endemic and indigenous fish species from the Aral Sea basin: Alburnoides holciki Coad et Bogutskaya, 2012; Capoetobrama kuschakewitschi (Kessler, 1872); Cottus spinulosus Kessler, 1872; Glyptosternon oschanini (Herzenstein, 1889); Gobio lepidolaemus Kessler, 1872; Gobio nigrescens (Keyserling, 1861); Iskandaria kuschakewitschi (Herzenstein, 1890); Iskandaria pardalis (Turdakov, 1941); Paracobitis longicauda (Kessler, 1872); Sabanejewia aralensis (Kessler, 1877); Schizothorax fedtschenkoi Kessler, 1872; Triplophysa daryoae Sheraliev, Kayumova et Peng, 2022; Triplophysa ferganaensis Sheraliev et Peng, 2021; and Triplophysa uranoscopus (Kessler, 1872). Measurements were taken for total length (0.1 cm precision) and total weight (0.1 g precision). The LWR parameters were determined using a linear logarithmic regression model of weight against length in which values for the slope of the regression, b, that are higher and lower than 3 indicate positive and negative allometric growth, respectively. The estimated values of parameter b ranged from 2.703 (Iskandaria kuschakewitschi) to 3.162 (Gobio nigrescens). The correlation coefficient (r2) values varied from 0.951 to 0.993, indicating a strong positive relation between length and weight. The maximum total lengths of four of the species (Glyptosternon oschanini, Iskandaria kuschakewitschi, Triplophysa daryoae, and Triplophysa uranoscopus) constitute new records, and the LWRs of twelve fish species have hitherto not been available in FishBase.
Amu Darya, endemic species, freshwater fish, length–weight relation, Syr Darya, Uzbekistan
In Uzbekistan, all river basins are endorheic; therefore, fish diversity is poorer than in other regions. One-quarter of the fish species in the country are endemic (
A prerequisite in assessing the population characteristics of any fish species is to investigate its length–weight relation (LWR) (
A total of 676 individuals representing 14 endemic and native fish species were collected between March 2020 and June 2022 from the Syr Darya, Amu Darya, and Zeravshan rivers and their various tributaries using hand nets (Table
Twelve out of 14 fish species covered by the presently reported study: (A) Triplophysa ferganaensis (8.2 cm TL) from the Shakhimardan River; (B) Triplophysa daryoae (9.5 TL) from the Sokh River; (C) Triplophysa uranoscopus (9.8 cm TL) from the Zeravshan River; (D) Paracobitis longicauda (7.9 cm TL) from the Zeravshan River; (E) Iskandaria kuschakewitschi (5.2 cm TL) from the Great Fergana Canal; (F) Iskandaria pardalis (6.9 cm TL) from the Tupalang River; (G) Gobio nigrescens (6.1 cm TL) from the Zeravshan River; (H) Gobio lepidolaemus (7.4 cm TL) from the Kara Darya River; (I) Alburnoides holciki (7.1 cm TL) from the Zeravshan River; (J) Schizothorax fedtschenkoi (12.7 cm TL) from the Zeravshan River; (K) Glyptosternon oschanini (10.2 cm TL) from the Margilansay River; (L) Cottus spinulosus (6.3 cm TL) from the Sokh River.
Sampling locations of 14 endemic and indigenous freshwater fish species used in this study.
Order/Family/Species | Drainage (Basin) | Coordinates |
Cypriniformes/Cobitidae | ||
Sabanejewia aralensis (Kessler, 1877) | Zeravshan River (Amu Darya basin) | 39.677730°N, 67.078299°E |
Karatag River (Amu Darya basin) | 38.345899°N, 68.057145°E | |
Sherabad River (Amu Darya basin) | 37.725809°N, 66.998718°E | |
Cypriniformes/Cyprinidae | ||
Schizothorax fedtschenkoi Kessler, 1872 | Zeravshan River (Amu Darya basin) | 39.677730°N, 67.078299°E |
Cypriniformes/Gobionidae | ||
Gobio lepidolaemus Kessler, 1872 | Kara Darya River (Syr Darya basin) | 40.785837°N, 72.999462°E |
Gobio nigrescens (Keyserling, 1861) | Zeravshan River (Amu Darya basin) | 39.677730°N, 67.078299°E |
Cypriniformes/Leuciscidae | ||
Alburnoides holciki Coad et Bogutskaya, 2012 | Zeravshan River (Amu Darya basin) | 39.677730°N, 67.078299°E |
Tupalang River (Amu Darya basin) | 38.343337°N, 67.992137°E | |
Surkhan Darya River (Amu Darya basin) | 37.340607°N, 67.398966°E | |
Capoetobrama kuschakewitschi (Kessler, 1872) | Amu Darya River (Amu Darya basin) | 37.235241°N, 67.677525°E |
Cypriniformes/Nemacheilidae | ||
Iskandaria kuschakewitschi (Herzenstein, 1890) | Great Fergana Canal (Syr Darya basin) | 40.479526°N, 70.888375°E |
Iskandaria pardalis (Turdakov, 1941) | Tupalang River (Amu Darya basin) | 38.343337°N, 67.992137°E |
Sherabad River (Amu Darya basin) | 37.725809°N, 66.998718°E | |
Paracobitis longicauda (Kessler, 1872) | Zeravshan River (Amu Darya basin) | 39.677730°N, 67.078299°E |
Tupalang River (Amu Darya basin) | 38.343337°N, 67.992137°E | |
Karatag River (Amu Darya basin) | 38.385116°N, 68.081272°E | |
Triplophysa daryoae Sheraliev, Kayumova et Peng, 2022 | Sokh River (Syr Darya basin) | 40.049308°N, 71.100995°E |
Triplophysa ferganaensis Sheraliev et Peng, 2021 | Shohimardonsoy River (Syr Darya basin) | 39.963237°N, 71.759454°E |
Triplophysa uranoscopus (Kessler, 1872) | Zeravshan River (Amu Darya basin) | 39.741008°N, 66.889978°E |
Perciformes/Cottidae | ||
Cottus spinulosus Kessler, 1872 | Sokh River (Syr Darya basin) | 39.940108°N, 71.157773°E |
Siluriformes/Sisoridae | ||
Glyptosternon oschanini (Herzenstein, 1889) | Margilansay River (Syr Darya basin) | 40.355162°N, 71.803980°E |
W = aTLb
and logarithmically transformed (
Log (W) = log(a) + b ∙ log(TL)
where W is the total body weight [g], TL is the total body length [cm], a is the intercept, and b is the slope. The 95% confidence limits of a and b, and the coefficient of determination (r2) were calculated using the equations of
For all collected species, the coefficient of determination (r2) ranged from 0.951 to 0.993, the a value ranged from 0.0046 to 0.0132, and the b values ranged from 2.703 to 3.234. Sample sizes, total length and total weight ranges, regression parameters, 95% confidence limits of a and b values, and coefficients of regression are given in Table
Descriptive statistics and estimated parameters of length–weight relations for 12 endemic and two native fish species caught from the Aral Sea basin, Uzbekistan.
Species | E | N | Total length [cm] | Weight [g] | Length–weight relation parameters | |||||||
Min | Max | Min | Max | a | 95%CL of a | b | 95%CL of b | GT | r2 | |||
Alburnoides holciki | 155 | 4.3 | 12.1 | 0.8 | 19.8 | 0.0087 | 0.0076–0.0099 | 3.156 | 3.085–3.226 | +A | 0.971 | |
Capoetobrama kuschakewitschi a | + | 17 | 4.7 | 13.7 | 0.7 | 16.3 | 0.0055 | 0.0037–0.0081 | 3.108 | 2.932–3.283 | I | 0.960 |
Cottus spinulosus a | + | 39 | 3.9 | 10.2 | 0.7 | 12.6 | 0.0098 | 0.0064–0.0151 | 3.093 | 2.872–3.315 | I | 0.963 |
Glyptosternon oschanini a | + | 12 | 9.1 | 17.6 | 9.4 | 69.3 | 0.0132 | 0.0093–0.0189 | 2.954 | 2.814–3.094 | I | 0.989 |
Gobio lepidolaemus a | + | 16 | 4.4 | 10.9 | 0.9 | 18.8 | 0.0068 | 0.0042–0.0112 | 3.234 | 3.003–3.464 | +A | 0.951 |
Gobio nigrescens a | 17 | 4.7 | 8.3 | 1.2 | 7.8 | 0.0090 | 0.0061–0.0134 | 3.162 | 2.955–3.369 | +A | 0.977 | |
Iskandaria kuschakewitschi a | + | 27 | 9.0 | 14.6 | 3.4 | 14.2 | 0.0102 | 0.0043–0.0244 | 2.703 | 2.502–2.887 | –A | 0.955 |
Iskandaria pardalis a | + | 54 | 3.2 | 8.3 | 0.2 | 4.8 | 0.0069 | 0.0053–0.0089 | 2.946 | 2.790–3.102 | I | 0.982 |
Paracobitis longicauda | + | 61 | 5.2 | 17.1 | 0.9 | 23.8 | 0.0121 | 0.0093–0.0157 | 2.710 | 2.599–2.820 | –A | 0.971 |
Sabanejewia aralensis a | + | 134 | 3.3 | 7.1 | 0.2 | 2.2 | 0.0050 | 0.0044–0.0058 | 3.045 | 2.962–3.127 | I | 0.961 |
Schizothorax fedtschenkoi a | + | 30 | 5.8 | 19.9 | 2.1 | 87.0 | 0.0116 | 0.0093–0.0146 | 2.949 | 2.848–3.050 | I | 0.989 |
Triplophysa daryoae a | + | 59 | 4.6 | 11.3 | 0.8 | 9.1 | 0.0106 | 0.0084–0.0133 | 2.781 | 2.672–2.890 | –A | 0.964 |
Triplophysa ferganaensis a | + | 37 | 2.6 | 10.3 | 0.1 | 6.7 | 0.0049 | 0.0041–0.0060 | 3.147 | 3.043–3.252 | +A | 0.982 |
Triplophysa uranoscopus a | + | 18 | 3.4 | 11.5 | 0.3 | 11.6 | 0.0072 | 0.0037–0.0081 | 3.012 | 2.927–3.097 | I | 0.993 |
Overall, the expected range of b values for LWRs is 2.5–3.5 (
In conclusion, our study provides partial information on the 14 endemic and native fish species from the Aral Sea basin as a contribution to the online FishBase, which could help to understand better the fishes of the region and contribute to the management and conservation of fishes in central Asia.
The authors are thankful to Quvonchbek Isayevich, Barno Bakhromova, Davlatshoh Subhonberdiev, Botirjon Nurillaev, Fayoziddin Umarov, Karimjon Mirzabekov, Akmaljon Komilov, and Adhamjon Umrzoqov for their help in collecting fish samples. This work was funded by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 32170457).